Planning your meetings in a Covid-19 world
Now that we are more than half way through the year 2021, I think we have come to realize that various forms of Covid will be a real concern for longer than we all anticipated. While there is not a one size fits all solution for Covid, there are logical next steps that can be taken on an audio visual level to plan your next meeting or events.. ESV offers some nice options with personal safety in mind. We can record the meeting and then edited the video down for you to the desired length and then you can post it to your social media platform. The next option is that ESV can come set up at your location and live steam the entire meeting including any Powerpoint presentations and video you may want to share. The last option is to have ESV come out to your location and set up a hybrid event where we will support the AV in the room for a limited amount of attendees and live stream the event for all the other so they can be involved from a safer distance. These are challenging times, but ESV is here to help you rise up to meet them.